

Addressing COVID-19 in Our Practice

How we ’ re adapting to address your needs at this challenging time

At the moment, our families, our friends and the world around us are dealing with a challenging issue that has impacted many. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who have been affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

As always, we strive to meet the needs of the patients we serve in the best way possible and now, we must also consider how to continue meeting these needs while also helping to keep patients, staff and families safe. As a healthcare practice, we are also committed to supporting local health and governmental agencies as they work to contain any further spread of the virus. Our commitment to evidence-based practice also informs the manner in which we address this issue.

Given the recent increases in COVID-19 cases in Ontario, we have decided to offer only phone and video sessions for psychological services until further notice. Having sessions by phone or video may not feel ideal for some of you and for that I sincerely apologize.

To inform our action plan at this time, we have consulted information available and ongoing updates from the Ministry of Health, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and reviewed expert opinions from epidemiologists and infection disease specialists. There has also been extensive consultation with colleagues in discussing how to best support our patients at this time. In effort to decrease further spread of COVID-19, “physical distancing” (the process of avoiding close contact with others) is being recommended to not only avoid catching the virus yourself, but also carrying it to others, including vulnerable populations. Given the success in other areas of the world that have used this approach, there is reason to be optimistic, particularly if we all work together.

As always, please contact us should you have questions or concerns.
Wishing you good health, always,
Dr. C

P.S., Please stay tuned to this blog or subscribe to newsletter updates for resources on coping during the pandemic and other information that might be helpful to you

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