
ARTICLES / December 07, 2024

Spinning A Web: How “Baby Reindeer ” Reveals the Subtleties of Abuse

*from Netflix’s Baby Reindeer series Please note:  The following article discusses sexual trauma and its effects and may be difficult for some readers to review. Please pause to take a moment to decide if this is the right time and circumstance to read this article. Furthermore, we also discuss aspects of the series “Baby Reindeer” […]


ARTICLES,MEDIA / October 18, 2024

Addressing the Mental Health Crisis in Brampton, Peel: A Closer Look at Mandated Treatment

The Peel region, including Brampton, has seen a significant rise in mental health issues in recent years, prompting suggestions from local government officials, including the mayor, for mandated treatments. This proposal has stirred debate among both the community and mental health professionals. To fully understand the implications, we must consider the statistics reflecting the mental […]


ARTICLES / September 29, 2024

Beyond Fear: The How To Of Exposure Therapy

  Anxiety and specifically anxiety disorders involve a strong fear response based on certain triggers. Often the nature of the triggers and the associated symptoms, distinguish the type of anxiety experienced. For example, for specific phobias, like spider phobias, seeing a spider (trigger) can result in increased physiological anxiety and functional difficulties, such as avoidance […]


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